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Als Partner haben Sie Anspruch auf Rabatte für spezielle Produkte, sowie zusätzliche Dokumente über unsere Produkte für Marketing- und Verkaufszwecke.

Our comprehensive intolerance test takes the guesswork out of your client’s food sensitivities, as over 600 food and non-food items will be examined. You could soon be offering a valuable service to your clients as our test reports will give you and your clients the key information they need to make positive changes to their lives and avoid food and non-food items that may be damaging their health.

So werden Sie Partner

Partner werden ist einfach und Sie profitieren von den Vorzügen ab dem ersten Test. Indem Sie mit uns zusammenarbeiten, bekommen Ihre Kunden akkurate Ergebnisse, und in Verbindung mit unserem Kundendienstpaket kann Ihr Unternehmen auch von diesen Vorzügen profitieren.

Scrollen Sie nach unten zum Registrierungsformular und schicken Sie uns Ihre Registrierungsdaten. Wir werden uns dann bei Ihnen melden, um die verschiedenen Optionen durchzugehen.

I have been working with The Intolerance Testing Group for over 2 years and the experience has been amazing. They have great agent support. Emma and the team provide great personal attention, responding quickly to my needs along the way. I’ve had the honor to meet most of the team and they always stun me with their professionalism, knowledge, and their commitment to nurture collective growth for their company, agents, and clients by offering affordable testing with uncompromised service and sound results. These tests are a great tool in my coaching practice as an aid to helping my clients re-focus their path on the road to better health and happiness.
Mercedes Jalil

Integrative Nutrition Health, Wellness Hub

On doing some research I discovered locally in Cork Ireland about blood testing for intolerances. I went and gave blood and filled out a form. After 3 weeks later, I discovered that you had to have eaten the foods for an intolerance to show up! I was very disappointed as I had a feeling I was intolerant to wheat and yeast. I avoided both when I had the test and nothing showed up. I was extremely disappointed as I had paid €300 euro for the blood test. I searched online for days and spoke to a few different companies about getting a test done. Most companies were very difficult and very expensive. That’s when I came across Test Your Intolerance and have never looked back. They are very easy to work with and are a fantastic company. All I can say is they saved my life and prolonged it which I will be forever grateful. I now also have a lot of clients who thank me for helping them feel much better – it has definitely changed people’s lives for the better! Thank you Test Your Intolerance.
Mary Rossiter

Healthcare Professional

After feeling unusually tired for some months I decided to get an intolerance test done. I found the experience with Test Your Intolerance to be one that was exceptional. Testing hair rather then other means is one of the least intrusive methods that could possibly be used. The process is quick and very efficient. The results are clear and I was able to take action immediately. After taking action I have found a dramatic reduction in my tiredness and therefore an increase in my quality of life. This is the easiest method possible for feeling better. Thanks Test Your Intolerance!

Jonathan Harker


I just wanted to say how impressed I was with the service. As a Crossfit athlete, my diet is very important and I have been having issues with not being able to loose weight, skin issues, water retention, fatigue, etc. I was told by a co-worker who had used this company for her food testing and how happy she was with the results and how quick the turn around time was. So I decided to give it a try.

Not only was the price super affordable, the amount of items they test against is insane. Being someone with auto-immune, the larger the variety of testing the better! So, I went online, followed the directions and in one week I had my results. I have already started my elimination diet, and implemented the vitamins that my body was extremely lacking. I am already sleeping better, I have dropped a ton of water that I was holding on to and feel so much better and my skin is already clearing up.

I truly recommend if your having any issues to take this test to see what your body is having issues with. You would be surprised at your results. With all the processed stuff that is in food these days, you never know what can be giving you problems! Thank you!

Christi Ross

NW Catering

I’ve found the hair analysis to be extremely beneficial, not only for pinpointing dietary and environmental sensitivities, but also highlighting any nutritional deficiencies in my system. I eat a healthy diet, yet some foods I consumed were causing problems! Now I can release them from my diet for a while and give my body a break! Plus I can now enrich my diet with the vitamins and minerals my system is low on. A great way to ensure I am getting what I need to be healthy!



I have been suffering from IBS for many years without any real help from supplement and the intolerance test was eye-opening. Many of the food items that I was intolerant to had been staple items in my diet. I felt so much better from the first few days of eliminating them from my diet. I felt more alert. No more headaches, bloating, upset stomach or feeling sluggish. The food supplement test also made a significant difference to the quality of my life. I had been supplementing with vitamins and minerals I did not need. Once I started taking the ones I needed I found I was able to concentrate better and my mood improved! I have recommended these tests to three people and I will keep recommending them to anyone who is unhappy with their diet or unsatisfied by a conventional allergy test.


Helfen Sie Ihren Kunden, die Ursachen Ihrer Symptome zu entdecken. Und verdienen Sie Geld, indem Sie Produkte verkaufen, an die Sie glauben, und erweitern Sie Ihr Produktsortiment.


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